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Ronon Dex is a native Sateda, Sateda'ların technology is in the 1930 level. Ayzaymır grandfather's second child was a disease similar to diseases. Ronon, became a member of the military and there is a good Satedan mevk'i won. The woman with melena were very close to each other, Ronon make one think he was closer, they were married ... Ronon'ın, Atlantis team seven years ago with the first contact took place in an attack on Wraith'in Sateda'ya. While struggling with melena Wraithler'le behind Ronon, Satedan Wraithler'e forces were defeated and melena during an explosion, was killed in front of Ronon'ın.
European history, first written document filed in BC Ancient Greece in 700 years, begins with Homer's Iliad was written. Along with ancient Greece, BC 8. century, the Roman kingdom was established in the first advanced civilization in Europe are among the past record. Civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome AD 4. century, have collapsed in the same century European culture influenced by Christianity began to take. In the early Middle Ages, Europe was entering a period of profound stagnation, the Middle East and Asia has lagged behind many other advanced civilizations. New Age, Renaissance and Reformation, but after starting in Europe again, military, economic, democratic and technologically able to catch the other regions of the world, then moved to the front. Using this rule, the European countries established colonies in other continents, the continent's economic resources to exploit their own people than other continents, they provide a higher level of prosperity. 20. century as the dominant economic and military aspects of European countries into the world, the world's economic and military leadership have seized in the United States. Also rising in Asia has suddenly accelerated. Ago in Japan and Korea, then the rapidly growing Asian countries such as China and India have become rivals in Europe. Meanwhile, forces of European countries formed the European Union going. There are currently 27 countries in Europe which incorporates the European Union, when taken collectively, afford the total imports, exports and GDP in the world in such terms is the most powerful economic union.
Meteorites, classified according to chemical and petrographic characteristics, chemical composition according to the