Usually 2-4 mm in diameter, weighing approximately 0.005 grams. Snowflake, begin to create the usual temperature and humidity according to the form. Approximately -2 ° C rarely symmetrical triangle occurs in the snow. Naked eye, most of snowflakes appear irregularly, but in the images can be seen as close to perfection because of the attractiveness. Thin and flat-shaped crystals in the air at 0 ° C to -3 ° C occurs. -3 ° C to -8 ° C, needle crystals, hollow columns or prisms (long thin pencil shape) occurs in the form. -8 ° C. -22 ° C to return to the way the plate and sometimes carries features and dendritic branches. Maximum vapor pressure difference between liquid and ice is about -15 ° C and this temperature is seen as droplets of liquid crystals tend to grow rapidly exhausted. -22 ° C under the column as it enters the crystal growth model, but also has a much more complex. Columns, platforms, side-planes, such as bullet-rosettes are formed. If a crystal of about -5 ° C in the column in the form of a growth trend in these columns a warmer weather across the columns at the end of a plate-plate or dendritic shapes are formed, and these crystals "capped column" is called.
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