1 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Leonard Cohen - Is This What You Wanted şarkı sözü çevirisi

Is This What You Wanted
Bu Senin İstediğin midir?

You were the promise at dawn,
Sen şafak vaktinin vaadiydin
I was the morning after.
Ben sabahın sonrasıydım
You were Jesus Christ my Lord,
Sen İsa Mesih'tin, Tanrımdın
I was the money lender.
Ben tefeciydim
You were the sensitive woman,
Sen duyarlı bir kadındın
I was the very reverend Freud.
Ben çok muhterem Freud idim.
You were the manual orgasm,
Sen manuel orgazm idin
I was the dirty little boy.
Ben kirli bir çocuktum
And is this what you wanted
Ve bu senin istediğin midir?
to live in a house that is haunted
Perili bir evde yaşamak
by the ghost of you and me?
Senin ve benim hayaletimle birlikte
Is this what you wanted ...
Bu Senin İstediğin midir?
You were Marlon Brando,
Sen Marlon Brando idin.
I was Steve McQueen.
Ben Steve McQueen idim.
You were K.Y. Jelly,
Sen K.Y.Jelly idin.
I was Vaseline.
Ben Vaselin'dim
You were the father of modern medicine,
Sen modern tıbbın babasıydın
I was Mr. Clean.
Ben Bay Clean (Temiz)
You where the whore and the beast of Babylon,
Sen Babil bayramının fahişesiydin
I was Rin Tin Tin.
Ben ise Rin Tin Tin.
And is this what you wanted ...
Ve bu senin istediğin midir?
And is this what you wanted ...
Ve bu senin istediğin midir?
You got old and wrinkled,
Sen eski ve buruşuk oldun
I stayed seventeen.
Ben onyedide kaldım
You lusted after so many,
Sen sonra çok defa arzuladın
I lay here with one.
Ben başka biri ile burada yatıryordum
You defied your solitude,
Sen kendi yalnızlığına meydan okudun
I came through alone.
Ben yalnız geldim
You said you could never love me,
Sen "hiçbirzaman beni sevemedin" dedin.
I undid your gown.
Ben senin gece elbisesini çözdüm
And is this what you wanted ...
Ve bu senin istediğin midir?
And is this what you wanted ...
Ve bu senin istediğin midir?
I mean is this what you wanted ...
Demek istediğim, bu senin istediğin midir?
That's right, is this what you wanted ...
Evet doğru, bu senin istediğin midir?...

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